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Old 11-14-2022, 11:35 AM
Snaggles Snaggles is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 2,684

This game is a balance of mathematical superiority vs flexibility. The pure classes are always “better” where as the less focused ones typically have extra tools in their utility belts.

The biggest struggle a warrior will face is how to tackle multiple problems at once. Tanking one thing is easy, you have to trust people to do their jobs (healing, cc etc). The biggest struggle a paladin (or sk) will face is knowing they aren’t the “best” at taking hits or returning them. It’s not a real issue for most of content but is a slice of humble pie.

I equate it to a necro vs mage in a group situation. Mages get a lot of hate but if grinding blues in a group they are just better unless the necro is charming. Higher dps pets, higher burst spells, a DS that adds consistent damage, coth for ease of replacing team members who leave, etc. When crap goes sideways the necro is what you really want; their kit is MASSIVE. Like a paladin they can even rez in a pinch. You can’t always find a cleric and that shouldn’t have to stop an adventure in its tracks. In fact the paladin HoT and necro HoT stack. I trioed Uulump with ease adding in the 57 Druid.

Note: the Mage/Necro thing is just a metaphor and not intending to sidetrack the thread. While I do like the mage class I’m not that delusional to need convincing [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] . Also I still think the warrior class is extremely fun to play. Just a matter of preference, maybe one of each even!
Last edited by Snaggles; 11-14-2022 at 11:55 AM..
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