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Old 11-17-2022, 08:36 AM
Midoo Midoo is offline

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Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tunisia
Posts: 188

those are already good 1h weapons so i'm assuming you meant 2h

for 2hb and 2hs, get yourself a sarnak battlehammer and an argent defender, both of which sell for 75-100ish (or less if you tell them you're new)

aggro weapons as you guessed are absolutely vital for warrior tanking. since you get no spells and taunt is dogshit 99% of your performance as an aggro magnet will be from proc weapons. infestation already procs poison so you can use it (i'm not sure how much aggro it does but beats nothing.) i'd say pair it with a cheap 50pp proc weapon like obsidian shard, smoldering brand or polished granite tomahawk and you're golden for your low levels

as you level up to 30+, those weapons become pretty piss, so you'll have to consider camping/investing in higher level weapons like staff of battle. (VERY solid dps 30-50) excellent mid-level proc weapons include shortsword of the ykesha, kunzar kujuch, firerune brand (last two drop almost always from trash in city of mist) and as you get higher level and start making 4-figure plat consider iconic meme setups like sarnak warhammer+silken whip of ensnaring

besides gear, remember to hunt for clickies. it's also very important, because as a warrior you get fuck all in terms of utility and you don't want to be stranded and helpless when your shaman buddy decides to log in for the night. that's why you should get ring of shadows for invis, spirit of the wolf pots, leatherfoot raider skullcap for an instant gate, and maybe even camp pegasus cloak for clicky lev one day

above all remember to have fun[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

23 y/o forever DM and old school fantasy nerd - Discord: midoo
Odym Drekk
- 54 BAR SHM (main) || Midoo - 52 BAR WAR (alt)

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