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Old 03-15-2023, 06:43 PM
Vivitron Vivitron is offline

Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 381

The following guide is largely in line with p99 enchanter grouping; it basically says keeping a charmed pet in a group is well worth the risk and more enchanters should learn how to play:

CHARMING MADE EASY - Hawkins Filibuster, Tholuxe Paells

Have you ever wondered why most enchanters never charm except in emergency situations or when soloing? After all a charmed and hasted mob will do a massive amount of damage, hold aggro, and can be killed when at low HP for EXP. Why don't enchanters charm all the time?

Because charming is dangerous and will get you killed. That said charming can be done routinely and for amazing EXP and loot if you follow this strategy.


First - Max your CHA. Charisma makes the enchanter. Get as much CHA as you can afford, even sacrificing INT for CHA. Use your best CHA buff.

Second - Mem these spells 1- Tash 2- Color shift 3- Color flux/skew 4- Long mez (enthrall, entrance, dazzle) 5- Short mez (Mezmerize(yes level 4 mez)) 6- Charm (Beguile, Cajoling WHispers, Allure (use the lowest charm that can still work where you are hunting to conserve mana, if you are good you can also rotate spells here)) 7, 8 - Buff rotation and slow

Third - Buy lots of Rune reagents. Don't be cheap if you learn to charm you will get rich fast. And you will occasionally get hit if mobs resist your stuns/mez.

Fourth - Make friends with a Druid(Ensnare 10 min) Ranger (snare, ensnare 51+) and a Shaman/Mage (malaise/malosi spell line) This is not necessary but makes charmed pets easier to recharm once charm breaks(snare), and charm will last longer with magic resistance lowered. This added time can be the difference between staying at full mana while charming, or having to take a med break after you pet is killed.

Fifth - Make a hotkeyed social for your level 4 mez. That has a group msg.

Line 1- /cast 5
Line 2- 'Mezzing %T for CHARM.'
Line 3- /tell {put mage/shaman name here} Please Malasie/Malosi %T before I charm.

Sixth - Make social hotkeys for all the pet commands especially /pet guard here /pet guard me /pet attack and /pet back off.

CHarming Battle Strategy

OK, after this preparation you are ready to charm like a pro. Is your rune shield up? Resists do happen.

Have your party puller go pull 2 mobs. As the mobs come into camp Mez the add as usual only this time use your short (24 sec) mez. Tash the add and start spamming your druid/ranger and shaman/mage to ensnare and malaise respectively. If they are a little slow in doing this just keep lighting the mob up with your mez (and spamming party) every 10 seconds. This only costs 20 mana a pop, and they will make this debuff top priority just to shut you up.

Once the mob is ensnared and magic resistance is lowered it is time to charm. With a short mez this mob will be ready to fight for you in no time.

Once you get your charmed pet in the fight and the primary target is snared have the puller head out to find another mob. If you are brave you can haste your charmed pet at this time. I don't recommend hasting until you get lots of practive charming.

Pet all ready to go? It is chain pulling time. As adds come into camp mez them, tash them, and run by your pet giving the attack order. Remember to stay away from your pet, charm can break at anytime and even a few feet can give you time to remez before getting hit. You can make sure your pet stays away from you with the /pet guard here command. Tell your puller to keep three mobs in camp at all times. Your pet, the main target, and the mezzed add.

If charm breaks attempt to remez, and if not snared and you get hit try to stun before remezzing. The 1.5 sec cast on color shift will allow you to channel through even your hasted mobs attacks. The rune can give you the extra time you need to regain control.

If your charmed pet is below 25% health Mez with your long mez, but do not recharm. If outside you can fear after party finishes the primary mob, or slow if in a dungeon. After all you don't want your hasted pet beating on your friends. By the way.. you get EXP for your former pet. If you are really good you can mez you former pet. Short mez the incoming monster, and have a fresh pet to kill off your former pet.

This strategy may seem overly complicated, but once you have made the proper preparations the strategy can fit into about any group. If your teamates are having trouble figuring out which mob is your pet tell them to con it, or use the /pet who leader hotkey. Better yet if you have a shaman in the party have them shrink your pet. This can be quite humorous. One afternoon I had a mini frogluk bok shaman charmed for over 4 hours. It kept healing itself, and I ended up giving it clarity. We even had to zone to pick up new teamates, and when we returned my pet frogluk was completely healed, and just begging to get an 'invite' back in our party.

Hope this helps your charming efforts. Enjoy!

Strategy Submitted on: Monday, December 17, 2001
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