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Old 04-05-2023, 12:07 AM
Ekco Ekco is offline
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you can get it to do pretty crazy shit based on how you word the prompts also

Best Storytelling Prompts for ChatGPT
Use these to create stories for a short story, novel, screenplay, song, blog, or marketing campaign.

Write a story about X in the style of Y.
Generate an emotional goodbye scene between a father and son.
Make an outline for a novel called (title) about (premise).
Write a back cover blurb about (story premise).
Write a query letter for a novel called (title) about (story premise).
Write an outline for a screenplay about (subject).
Describe a fictional character named (name) who has these qualities (list qualities).
Write an end-of-the-chapter hook for a chapter about (describe the chapter or paste part of it into ChatGPT).
Create a setting description of (location) at (time).
i'm getting it to write it's own homebrew campaign setting for dungeons and dragons currently in the style of the best writers from the 70s and 80s who are dead now then feeding the campaign setting text back into it to write adventure modules set in the world.

The characters can find the hidden chamber by following a trail of blood left by Tharion, who stumbled into the tower after being wounded by the evil wizard. Tharion used the crystal ball to see if he could stop the shadow dragon, but he paid with his life. His ghost now haunts the chamber, along with the crystal ball.

Flavor text: "You enter the hidden chamber, where a dim light flickers from a crystal ball on a stone altar. The crystal ball emits a faint hum, and you see swirling images of fire and darkness within. As you approach the altar, you hear a weak voice calling out to you.
"Help me…please…"
You look around and see a ghostly figure lying on the floor, clutching his side. He is pale and transparent, and you can see a dark wound on his torso. He looks at you with pain and fear in his eyes.
"Who are you?" he asks. "Are you here to stop the cultist?"
Ekco Ad'Infinitum - 60 Wizard
"I'm a wizard and that looks fucked up." - Ryan Davis.
Last edited by Ekco; 04-05-2023 at 12:24 AM..
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