Thread: Spells: Bard Aggro
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Old 06-18-2023, 07:50 PM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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07:27:43 Feb 11, 2001

Lvl 23
(cp) Selo's Consonant
Chain Target Sing Highkeep
 Decreases movement speed and attack speed. The attack speed is about half, and the movement speed is a little faster than taking damage and running away just before

dying. If you actually use it on a dying enemy, it will stop. It's pretty useful music. If you use it on a rooted enemy, it will be overwritten and will be able to move. If you're

in a party with Caster, you have to be careful. Enemies using SoW have no effect and cannot be slowed. Since the Taunt performance is strong, it can also be used to tear

off enemies.
Lvl 25
(cp) Psalm of
Party String Qeynos
 Increases Regist Cold, but it doesn't matter, it also has Infravision and Damage Shield effects. Damage Shield returned about 6 DMG at level 30. The taunt performance

is also low
, and since it is cast on friends, it will not be resisted, so it is not bad to use.
Lvl 53
(cp) Song of Dawn
() Target wind  
 Lower your Hate. It is the so-called Evade Song. It is good to put it after Charm. Apparently, Resist doesn't work, but I don't know if it worked or not because it's not

displayed. At this level, it hurts to hit, so it might be a good idea to put it in.

Author Topic: Grouping with an Enchanter
Posts: 79
Registered: Oct 1999

posted 02-08-2000 07:29 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Shani Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I am married to an enchanter and I do prefer to group with him. I found it easier to let him mez to take one at a time then to use DDD or COD. So I guess I am now a

tank Bard.

Any suggestions on what songs would be good in a group when always with an enchanter?
Shani Samsara
Iridescent Voices
Milos Silvertune
unregistered posted 02-08-2000 09:56 AM Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I group a lot with an enchanter. After he does his job and mezzes them all, I pick the toughest one and start tanking on him with weapons while twisting Anthem, Hymn, and Melodic Binding. The Melodic Binding is AoE, but won't break the mez. A Bellow here or there won't hurt either.
If you let the mob get aggro on the Enchanter first, his animation will hop in to tank with you. You'll be able to pull him off the Enchanter quickly enough.
If you want, the Enchanter can cast Quickness on you, and you can then swap Anthem out for something else like a resistance song (especially if fighting casters)...but I usually just tell him to save his mana and I sing Anthem.

You didn't say what level you are though, so maybe some of these songs are available to you. However, theres only a few key things to keep in mind when grouping with an Enchanter. 1.) Their attack speed buffs are better than yours and they don't stack with yours. Pick which one you like best. 2.) Obviously avoid AoE damage songs. 3.) Use /assist to make sure you and any tanks are on the same sense disrupting the nice mezzes your Enchanter laid.

Milos Silvertune
Traveling Minstrel, Drunkard, and Ladies Man of the 22nd Song.
Tribunal Server
Posts: 79
Registered: Oct 1999

posted 02-08-2000 12:55 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Shani Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I am 27 he is 29. I prefer his lvl 29 quickness over my anthem. Yes, I do use bind or chain. Also the psalm line does stack with his buffs. Then I will use jig just keep my stamina bar up. I avoid hymm during battle, because when they all wake up they will all be on me.
The occasional bellow almost feels like a waste for only 13 pts and almost always resists.
Shani Samsara
Iridescent Voices
Posts: 155
Registered: Dec 1999

posted 02-08-2000 05:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Moshkiae Click Here to Email Moshkiae Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I'm printing this information. At 17, I tend to try and complete all casters, instead of competing with them. The only thing I have told most casters at this time, is to allow me to handle the HP's. But one good Enchanter will discuss with me what they would like to use ... and we can adapt. Just recently she buff'd us with Quickness and some Armor type, and all I had to do is play strings the whole time ... well waited a minute so they don't come aggro on me. But I did use Chords of Dissonance a couple of times so a Mob will not aggro on the Enchanter, which is important to remember, since they have less HP's than I do, if I remember right. All in all, with the Strings armed I can help an Enchanter stay alive pretty well, and no caster has ever died in any group that I have ever been on in 17 songs. We've lost one tank, a necro (family squabble non group related), and myself 3 times, because I ran wayyyyyy tooooooo late ... but because of that I have been able to save many a member in my group. But if in this span, with such a good group, I have gained two to three bubbles of experience, one death is no big deal.
This is the part of the game that MAKES the difference. If the two casters and Bard discuss things, and study their stuff they should always be in communication, so one does not interrupt the other, and instead augments each other's abilities.


<b>Message ID:</b> 11860 <br/>
<b>Date:</b> Wed Dec 15 19:50:19 GMT 1999 <br/>
<b>Author:</b> Kimes, Dean W. <br/>
<b>Subject:</b> RE: Song Taunting. <br/>
<div id="ygrps-yiv-1820846033">Speaking of Song taunting, I had an interesting experience last nite. I was<br/>
in North Karana watching for the gnome watchman to spawn when some idiot<br/>
decided an unannounced Hill Giant train into the stone bridge watchtower<br/>
would be a good idea. <br/>
There were about a half dozen of us in there, 4 medding' casters a warrior<br/>
healing up, and me sitting and innocently singing Acellerando in the corner.<br/>
In tromps the HG, smashes its prey to the ground just as it reaches the exit<br/>
onto the bridge where it is immediately surrounded by guards. I'm standing<br/>
up at this point. <br/>
The HG bashes two of the guards once each as they pummel it, Captain<br/>
Linarius alone is doing over 100 per hit. Everything seemed fine at this<br/>
Then Acellerando pulsed. The HG immediately ran over the 4 guards who had<br/>
at this point done over 600 hp's to it, past 2 of the medding casters and<br/>
the warrior who had just stood up, right to me.
He immediately began<br/>
bashing my brains out. His first smack stunned my Accelerando off, so as I<br/>
started to run I tried starting it up again. The HG was happily bashing<br/>
guards again as I reached the exit back into the Karanas.<br/>
Then Acellerando pulsed. The HG again immediately ran past the now 5<br/>
guards, past the 2 medding casters that hadn't awakened yet, and right to<br/>
little ole me.
Smack, smack and forthwith I was down to a bubble. At this<br/>
point the guards had done nearly 1000 hp's to the HG, a caster had awakened<br/>
and nuked it with a couple of frost spirals and still it ignored all in<br/>
favor of me.
Fortunately it didn't stun me again and I was able to outrun<br/>
it while it let the guards and assorted PC's beat the daylights out of it<br/>
from behind.<br/>
After it was killed I got not less than 4 tells asking me how I managed to<br/>
taunt the HG so successfully
that the group hunting near the bridge was able<br/>
to smack the heck out of it without risk. To my answers of I don't know,<br/>
guess he just hates lite jazz I was assaulted. Three of the /tell'ers<br/>
actually accused me of hiding an exploit that allowed me to taunt the HG.<br/>
Needless to say I politely asked them to /bug it so as to be sure I couldn't<br/>
get away with it again.
They were not amused.<br/>
I haven't had many examples of 'bard hate' or whatever we want to call it<br/>
lately, but this was sure pretty apparent as a bizarre hate list incident.<br/>
Only thing I can figure is that somehow the code is messed up to the point<br/>
that when a song pulses, the mobs consider it cast on everything within its<br/>
radius, whether it has an effect or not. A similar example happened once to<br/>
me in Misty Thicket. I was singing Accelerando when someone not in my group<br/>
decided to duel someone else also not in my group. I was standing near the<br/>
aggressor and as soon as my song pulsed, the guards uttered that horrid<br/>
statement about 'bards like you'. I fled instantly, but since I knew<br/>
neither I nor my groupmate who wasn't even in the zone, had attacked the<br/>
guards I feel sure some bug occurred. I /bugged it at the time. Has anyone<br/>
else had similar things happen to them when their song radius might have<br/>
included someone but did not actually affect them?<br/>

<b>Message ID:</b> 14556 <br/>
<b>Date:</b> Mon Feb 7 16:02:44 GMT 2000 <br/>
<b>Author:</b> Papa Legba <br/>
<b>Subject:</b> Re: Song Taunt <br/>
<div id="ygrps-yiv-1498667386">Flash of light is a mega taunt, I call it my cleric taunt. I use it all<br/>
the time when i helping out lower lvls and sometimes in my regular when<br/>
I am trying to spread out the damage. (Our warrior does a great job of<br/>
taunting, and between him and our bard, I almost never even get nicked)
<blockquote><span title="ireply"> &gt; From: Benjamin Jerrad Segal &lt;<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="mailto:birdman@...">birdman@...</a>&gt;<br/>
&gt; <br/>
&gt; <br/>
&gt; A paladin friend scoffs whenever he hears about others who can't taunt<br/>
&gt; mobs, and swears by flash of light as a spell that taunts better than<br/>
&gt; taunt.<br/>
</span></blockquote>-- <br/>
We now return to the non-stop rock.<br/>
Matt DeBarger</div>

<b>Message ID:</b> 11884 <br/>
<b>Date:</b> Wed Dec 15 21:51:15 GMT 1999 <br/>
<b>Author:</b> kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx <br/>
<b>Subject:</b> RE: Song Taunting. <br/>
<div id="ygrps-yiv-2025027895">On Wed, 15 Dec 1999, Cranfill, Wendy wrote:<br/>
<blockquote><span title="ireply"> &gt;<br/>
&gt; Well, I am going to have to say something in defense of the<br/>
&gt; Shaman here ...<br/>
</span></blockquote>I think Harm's example was between obviously wrong requests<br/>
asked of the bard (7 point heal vs. 100+ point damage),<br/>
compared to debatable requests of the shaman. Whether you<br/>
malaise or slowdown first really does depend on the mob,<br/>
amount of mana, party makeup, etc. In general, I tend to<br/>
trust the judgement of the player who's played the class; but<br/>
then, I have a pretty sharp circle of friends that I group<br/>
with. Pickup groups OTOH tend to be frustrating at times.<br/>
Btw, has anyone figured out which resist sonic bat stun works<br/>
<blockquote><span title="ireply"> &gt; For instance, I have had parties YELL at me for not using<br/>
&gt; Greater Heal right away. What they don't understand is that to do so is<br/>
&gt; almost always a death sentence for ME. And frankly, I'm tired of being the<br/>
&gt; sacrificial lamb. If you're not a healer, you can't understand the power<br/>
&gt; of a heal taunt - Bards can, cuz practically every song is as big of a<br/>
&gt; taunt as heal.<br/>

</span></blockquote>Yeah. I have seen an enchanter turn a battle with one memory<br/>
blur. Taunt/damage management is an important part of the<br/>
battle that, sadly, most people neglect. The people who end<br/>
up dying when the taunts go wrong (bards, healers)
seem to be<br/>
hyper-sensitive to it, while other classes are often<br/>
completely ignorant of it.<br/>
Either playing a different class, or discussing tactics in<br/>
depth with someone who does, can really help you learn the dos<br/>
and don'ts. I've made some dumb-ass suggestions to other<br/>
players based on (IMHO reasonable) assumptions, only to have<br/>
the player tell me that no, that's not the way it works. You<br/>
feel stupid and embarassed for a bit, but you end up the<br/>
better player for it.<br/>
John H. Kim<br/>
<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="mailto:kim@...">kim@...</a></div>
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