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Old 08-14-2023, 01:14 PM
greenspectre greenspectre is offline

Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 436

Originally Posted by BigPlays [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
-Monopolizing most or all of the kills in an area.

While this is probably geared towards bards, the point I am trying to make is that you have a mega guild bringing 4 people into the zone and spreading out to cover every spawn point. Why is the AC in Sro a FTE mob but the AC in OOT a list mob? Even though it is not an official list mob, all players generally accept this as a list mob and treat it accordingly. So you are saying that someone can go to OOT, bypass the players list and just kill AC at their own content?

When you have mains who can farm 70k tunics why bother people newer to the server from getting some minor item? Is it because guilds like kingdom require you to have jboots?
I find it HIGHLY ironic that you are upset about a guild bringing 4 people to monopolize a spawn point and yet in another thread you are upset that the Quillmane spawn mechanics were changed from what they used to be, which allowed for a guild to come in and bring 4 people and monopolize the spawn point.

Moving past that, hello! I play Aystar, a level 42 Ranger who is *gasp* tagged Kingdom. I have dabbled in Peggy cloaks and responded to some of your posts there, and will also try to field some of your questions here. First off, the SRo AC being not a list camp is a server rule implied by the FTE message that goes out for him. While I can't find a specific rule that says "AC is FTE only in Sro" I can say that no FTE goes out on the OOT one, and FTE is the rule for other non-raid encounters that give out an FTE message. Lodizal comes to mind as the closest example- everyone sits on the spawn point and spams /pet attack and hopes they get it. If anyone else here can find the exact written rule that Sro AC is FTE, that may help OP understand what's going on here.

Secondly, I can say with confidence that Kingdom as a guild does not care about the Sro AC outside of occasionally trying to make sure a cleric bot has Jboots. And those are usually donated. I've been in the guild since Kunark and never once has there been any discussion in guild chat about locking down Sro to get a bot Jboots. Our guild requirements actually include SoW potions (see under Ranking), not Jboots, and we do not RMT in any way.

Third, and this might be the most applicable point to your RnF post, I am not part of some elite squad of Kingdom folk who have calculated all possible spawn points of the AC and all log in at 8pm in-game time to lock them all down. I DO know when it's 8pm game time (Every hour and 12 minutes), and will usually try to log in and find a good open spot in the desert to race for AC. The reason for this? I work during the day and can't play a serious character, so popping in to try and snag a quick 5k is an efficient use of what little game time I have between work calls. Drakorian is a regular in Sro as well, and he came over from Nova just recently. He's also just doing it to sell Jboot MQ's in EC. I can also confirm several non-Kingdom peeps regularly win AC and come back to do it again. Brownwind is pretty good at it and has been bagging AC's for weeks.

So I hate to break the conspiracy theory, but I think what you observe as a guild-based monopoly on a spawn is actually several people racing for AC for their own individual benefit, be perfectly honest, is classic. Kingdom is a large guild and contains many players, so it's reasonable to assume a fair number of players involved in the AC racing will have that tag. Also, the AC has way too many spawn points to "lock them all down". It really is a random FTE race. Sit in, put in some time, and I guarantee you'll learn the mechanics better and end up with Jboots sooner or later.
Lobnor Feverhever- 60 Shaman <Kingdom>
Carrying on the memory of a fallen friend.
Kyofu "The Cursed" Masuta- 60 Monk <Kingdom>
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