Thread: Spells: Bard Aggro
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Old 08-23-2023, 07:39 PM
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Default WTB aLovingRobot Lawrence Poe interview

Message ID: 25522
Date: Thu Oct 25 16:41:44 BST 2001
Author: Daniel Sniderman
Subject: From my Guild's board Forum

Actually Slyde, I spoke to Lawrence Poe at the Fan Faire and his reason for
not having any of the new bard songs or 'disciplines' in the SPDAT and
related files was something along the lines of,

"Bard songs are harder to code and generally take alot more internal
before they are released to test. I wish I had something to put in
the SPDAT so you gyuys could look at it, but right now I don't. Sorry."

Actually, that's VERY close to what he said in regards t new bard
songs/disciplines. He's a super nice guy. Bit soft spoken though.

Additionally, I spoke with him about the problems with Selos and Drums of
the Beast. Oddly enough, he was unaware of the wrap-around problem with our
speed and wrote it down.

Overall, great guy. He took alot of notes too.

02/05/2002 05:20 PM CST
Quoth the Caster, "Nevermore!"
The Verant employee who impressed us the most at the Minneapolis FanFaire was, without question, Lawrence Poe. This guy was cool, smart, and obviously knew his job incredibly well. He could rattle off spell facts and answer player questions like it was second nature to him. He has been a great asset to caster classes in EverQuest.

The problem is, he's not EverQuest's spell guru anymore.

No, he hasn't left Verant. But according to Graffe's Wizard Compilation, he has moved on to another project:

It turns out that he will still be working for Verant on an unannounced project doing gameplay systems and mechanics. He seems to be really happy and excited. (before the e-mails start: yes, I asked him about the unannounced project and he didn't share any info.)

Lawrence Poe


Game Designer
Sony Online Entertainment
2000 - 2003

Which explains the eventual decision to...

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Re: BoC.....-does- it work for us?
Posted: Jun 17 04 5:15 PM
The devs have said that they did not code specific effects as bard effects for purposes of hate generation. ALL effects cast by a bard, song, proc, right-click or whatever

have reduced agro simply because of the class we are -- this was the easy way to code it and it is no surprise Sony took that way out. I think this came up about two or

three Fan Faires ago
when a dev admitted they took the easy way out on bard agro coding.
Steppy Astravox
Code of Silence
Luclin Server
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