Thread: Spells: Bard Aggro
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Old 09-05-2023, 10:46 AM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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Yurtrus Dywrnach
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Posts: 310
(4/11/01 1:38 am)
Reply Re: Bard equip question...
Why do you want a proc? Hell my bard gets enough agro just singing and whacking the mob at 20th lvl.

if you really feel the need for a proc might I suggest a pair of Obsidian shards? 6/23 with a 30 point proc which begins at 18th level I believe. Shards are rare but go for 250-300pp and can be camped by a group of people in there 20's good exp in sola.

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Posts: 8
(4/23/01 8:48 pm)
Reply Ouch, Proc BAD! <sweeping arm motion>
I swore off procing weapons as a bard a LONG time ago. It's like adding a new garish color to your already luminous "Beat the Hell out of ME" sign. You are gonna find that monsters like you enough as is. If yer weapon is gonna proc something, make it a DoT or a buff. PGTs are pretty cool, since your Dex is likely to be high and your hitpoints low. 300dmg absorption at your level rocks. I've almost thought about buying one myself sometimes.

Bards don't hit things very well. Too many bards don't realize this. I honestly can't imagine why so many bards insist on it. If you played a Cleric, you'd have a big ass mace, but how many of them do you see bashing heads in? Remember, just because you CAN use something, doesn't mean you SHOULD. Instead of blowing 5K on a Sionachies Partisan(or whatever), save up and buy some better armor, or a magical instrument.

It actually amazes me that Bard weapons still sell for as much as they do. I guess they all go to twinkers who will shelve their bards in 2 months (so THAT'S where all the SS BPs are, lol).

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(7/29/02 5:19:30 pm)
Reply Re: RE:
I have grouped with bards and I have never seen a better class when played correctly. Karnors WL room. 58 level bard was main tank, crowd control, healer, and puller. It was almost comical at the ease the bard had control of the room.

I have seen bards kiting 20 mobs effectivly.

Everyone wants a bard in an AE group. If ya don't your sorta silly.

Its true you only need one or two bards on a raid, but then how many shamen do you need on a raid?

I have played a bard and enjoyed my time as one but the class is just not for me. I know many bards out there that LOVE their class and its abilities. To many people play bards bad or without combining their abilities (this includes me [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] ). I think I have only met 2 people that actually play the class to its full potential.
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