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Old 09-06-2023, 12:47 PM
Seducio Seducio is offline

Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,343

Originally Posted by Seducio [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It's really simple. Green has been quite popular and continues to be quite successful. Even compared with Blue.

Devs didn't initially anticipate the need for Teal until after Green's launch. But due to Green's popularity they adjusted on the fly and innovated a solution that will matter down the line. They know a hell of a lot more about a popular server launch than they did before. They learned from their mistakes. (Ie. Telling the community ahead of time about their plans. They won't do that again.)

Green 2.0 will happen. Expecting it this year is only something only someone bad at math would do. The server is coming when it makes sense for the devs. Not us.

Server launches are probably the most time intensive part of being a dev here. One of the worst parts about being a dev here is dealing with threads such as this. If we were paying customers that would be one thing. We aren't. The entitlement of players demanding more from devs on a free server is a visible cue to the devs to stay away.

This is why devs went and remain radio silent. If they communicate something the community doesn't like that would make their lives harder. Why would they do that?

This is one of the few posts I've made about it.

TLDR is I've claimed devs here don't owe use their plans on Green 2.0.

All this is an aside that this thread is about Gratitude. Only one other post so far. Almost as if some can't tell the difference between authentic appreciation and self-interested flattery to try and get something. Those that can't make that distinction would make awfully fun guests at Thanksgiving.
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