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Old 09-13-2023, 02:33 PM
Evia Evia is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2014
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Originally Posted by Troxx [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I’m out of productive things to do on my current characters. They’re all 60 and either xp capped or with a buffer way more than needed. I’ve played every class on p99 other than Ranger, rogue, SK, ench, and wiz.

My first ever character was a Ranger and I played him aggressively until planes of power. It was a hoot. I’m looking for a trip down memory lane. I plan on staying in the old world. An 8k starter fund got me cheap haste, an ikky regen bp, 2 6/65 rings and a smattering of 20-300p gear to fill my slots along with some hand-me-downs sitting in bank spots like a 30/35 2hs. Currently a badass level 5 in gfay.

Leveling fast is not my goal. I have a mental list of my old haunts from eons ago. Suggestions on some really off the beaten path locations? I plan on being self sufficient and will likely have to solo but will be happy to pair up with anyone I find along the way if they’re in the area I’m passing through.

I want to experience the ‘less experienced’ areas of old world Norrath and to do so in a wandering fashion (ie not sitting in the same spot until I put level it). I would like to taste a little bit of it all.

So … knowing the above if you were going to do a tour of the old world (odus/antonica/faydwer) trying to hit a little bit of everything and try to visit most zones … what path would YOU take?

(Next project is either SK or enchanter)
this sounds like an incredibly good time! ive thought about starting a lvl 1 character and doing something similar. hunting in zones im most unfamiliar with and not focus on the exp bar but the exp itself.

with that said some classic zones that i'd make sure to hit would be...
-kerra isle
-west karana (especially bandit camps)
-gorge of king xorbb
-ocean of tears (not doing cyclops island. lower lvl stuff like gargs, sisters, goblins, ect)
-oasis of marr (not really off the beaten path, but not as popular as it used to be. nostalgic)
-rathe mountains
-stonebrunt mountains (this is technically velious era, but its on odus. I think the vibe of this zone is incredible. its probably the most underrated zone in EQ imho. adventuring to the kerra village on the top of the mountain is a real rpg treat)
-lake rathetear!! (aviak towers are great. riding the canoe to different islands)
-solA and solB (i know a lot of ppl venture these zones, but i actively avoid them. so id like to experience them and learn them like i know guk)
-KEDGE KEEP!(i admire those who know this zone. i want to know it. i've tried to love it like 20+ adventures always end badly lol. i'd also love to learn it like i know guk which is to say like the back of my hand)
-timorious deep (ok ok i know this is kunark era...but i had to throw it in there. i always forget about this zone. ive never ever hunted in it....but i hear it can be good? raptor island? + ive seen those ogre camps. the place looks interesting and i never hear of many ppl hunting here for exps)

also what cecily suggested with running around zones and hitting track and looking for blue mobs sounds fun! you can even look for named mobs and maybe collect some lewt to sell in ec.

Kellian Cove (60 Wood Elf Rogue)
Parra Doxx (55 Barbarian Shaman)

“This man is using his mind as a weapon …and woe be tide the creature who
steps into his garden" -Finch

Last edited by Evia; 09-13-2023 at 02:45 PM..
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