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Old 09-28-2023, 09:29 AM
Lambparade Lambparade is offline

Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 69
Default Can the fourms become a more positive place

Its sad to me that the p99 reddit is a more social and open place to post then the p99 forums. It seems all people talk about on here is how blue and green should merge and that raiding sucks and the devs are lazy.

If you have multiple level 60s maybe you should try a new server or maybe even try another game. If you poop socked for years its no surprise that you have run out of content.

We are literally playing a old game that we are LUCKY to play in p99 vanilla state. The devs spent a lot of unpaid hard hours to make this server. The devs have lives and this is their passion project.

I get that it is frustrating that the devs don't communicate with the community as much as we would like but they have lives and other responsibilities. I also think people underestimate how much work making a new server is. Most people here couldn't even figure out how to form a simple sql connection string or even compile C++ code or even understand how to set up their router at home.

Lets bring back the days where the most heated discussions where people jealous of Castle 2.0s world records with the occasional random person saying that the red server is great.

Non stop complaining about server shit makes this forum a cess pool.
51 Cleric Tashee - Green
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