Thread: Miscellaneous: Container weight changes - Apr2001
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Old 10-02-2023, 07:34 PM
nilbog nilbog is offline
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Default Container weight changes - Apr2001

In April 2001, there was a patch that made containers not eat invalid combines. Along with this change, several containers had their weight increased.

For the purpose of classic, certain containers should weigh less until Apr2001.

Here is some research:

EQ Traders Corner (
On the downside, many portable tradeskill containers will given a weight increase, making it harder for packrats like myself to lug about multiple different containers for tradeskilling in the field. (My worst packrat is my shamaness, who regularly carries around a spirit pouch, bearskin potion bag, Coldain Tanners Kit *and* a cooking spit.)
  • Cooking spits have had their weight increased to 3. Contrary to the patch message, skewers are still weight 0.1
Containers Change Confirmed on SONY Boards - (

A Change to trade containers in patch for 4-4-01 - EverQuest Message Boards (

List of known containers and stats - (

Does anyone have more information about which containers were affected by this, and the original weight?
Last edited by nilbog; 10-03-2023 at 08:58 AM..
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