Thread: Rogue as a main
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Old 10-16-2023, 11:40 PM
Trelaboon Trelaboon is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 929

I personally think Rogue is the perfect main class if you’re gonna go melee. Their epic is super easy, literally any guild could finish it. Their DPS is incredibly good, even with tunnel gear. You can max strength, have your epic, and something like a winters fury in offhand for like 15k, and be a welcome addition to any group or raid. It’s not a class that will be farming a lot of plat, but it’s also a class that doesn’t NEED to farm a lot. Rogue is only a bad main if your primary objective is to level up and fund alts.

If you’re planning to make one character with the objective that that character will serve as your main, primary, maybe even solitary character, there’s no better melee class to main in my opinion. You’ll also be welcome to basically any raiding guild, If that’s what you wanted; even with that 15k gear setup.

If green 2.0 ever drops, I fully intend to make a rogue and play it pretty much exclusively and as my only toon. I’ve done the alt thing way too many times, and the class is a perfect main imo
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