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Old 10-30-2023, 07:48 AM
zelld52 zelld52 is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 560
Default You've reached level 55, and had an epiphany!

Why spend time trying to get to 60? Why try level appropriate content?

What you need to do is get to Sol A and farm bricks of ore to sell to vendors!

Level 25 group in zone? Well they can wait until you're done farming the 200p per hour bricks. Level 55+ Spells won't pay for themselves!

Sure, if you got to level 60, you could do even better content for plat. (Like Permafrost goblins!)

But, that would require you doing something challenging. And you aren't the type.

No, level 30 who is trying to exp on level-appropriate mobs, you won't be done any time soon. This is too easy.

And people say classic EQ is tough...
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