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Old 12-13-2023, 03:15 PM
Vivitron Vivitron is offline

Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 411

My first character here was an enchanter. One thing I enjoyed about solo challenges on the bard is personally I had more more joy of discovery on my bard than on my enchanter.

On the enchanter I got the basics from Tecmos's videos and picked up some more tips watching streamers like Sugz or Nybras. If I didn't know a camp, there was often another enchanter at it that I could talk to or watch.

If I didn't know a camp on the bard, instead of finding a bard there to help me I was more likely to have someone watch me figure it out, curious because they hadn't seen a bard to it.

I think the amount of gear-check is about right for motivation if you enjoy the class. You can do some without much gear, and if you gear the bard it significantly helps. That said I'm also sure I'm not the only p99er that has had the thought "it looks like it would have been fun if I had built a monk and spent all my dkp there."
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