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Old 01-24-2024, 11:55 AM
WarpathEQ WarpathEQ is offline

Join Date: Apr 2023
Posts: 166

Originally Posted by cd288 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Removing the first two bullets would be dumb. Unrooting the dragons makes everything super easy. Kiting mobs for however long you want is also dumb...just means one guild could monopolize like every spawn by getting FTE and just kiting it forever.
Single FTE rules would still apply. While these things could make killing a single mob easier they would also add time to the equation in a different way. As someone pointed out the current quake meta is about efficiency of how quickly you can kill mobs.

It will require more choices to be made about the value of a long pull or kite for a previously unpullable/kitable mob over killing multiple mobs more quickly. The sweat beards will love how sweaty they get (despite complaining the entire time) and the guilds that don't monopolize these targets will be on a more equal playing field of figuring out a new variant of an encounter for the first time.

It will be more of a test of who has the most skill instead of who is the most rehearsed on the engage. The only real defense against it is (insert X guild) already monopolizes the spawn and we don't want to risk losing out on loot by having to compete against others.
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