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Old 01-24-2024, 04:18 PM
WarpathEQ WarpathEQ is offline

Join Date: Apr 2023
Posts: 144

Originally Posted by Menden [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
CSR team would love to have more scripted events, but we just don't have the dev time. Ideas float internally, but that's about the extent of it. We try to throw events that are within our abilities. Mostly in the form of raid challenges, pretty easy to orchestrate with the UN channels.

It's fun seeing all the cool stuff PQ is doing, but they have that dev time.
-Insert any event that involves a newly created character for the event - We're planning a lvl 1 undies run accross norath for our guild as a fun guild event.

-Level bracketed PVP tournament (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, ect). Would have to be dropped on short notice to prevent end gamers from endlessly twinking every bracket.

-Randomized loot shake up (unfortunately this one prolly requires devs and immediately gets shot down) but mix up the loot tables of all mobs in the game randomly and sit back and enjoy the entire server trying to figure out which of the thousands of mobs and in what obscure zone the Vulak loot is going to drop from. There are probably mobs that haven't died in months or years in random corners of the world.

-Scavanger hunt. Randomly place some desirable things accross the world and have people search for them (could focus on placing them in low level zones for accessibility but not disclose that in the event so the lowbies have a better chance of finding the stuff)

-P99 olympics. Each race competes alongside their kin against the other races of the world in a variety of competitions (diving, sprinting, archery, tradeskills, ect.) Creates a different team dynamic that breaks apart guild alegences and requires no affiliation to others on the server to be part of a team.
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