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Old 01-30-2024, 11:49 AM
DeathsSilkyMist DeathsSilkyMist is offline
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Here is a simplified example of how P99 is doing the averages for white damage hits and procs, both DD and DoT:

1. Hit Rate and Proc Rate Work the Same.
2. Mob Swing 10 times per minute.
3. 50% Hit Rate in our example.
4. Player Swings 5 times per minute.
5. Player has 1 Proc Per Minute (PPM) due to having 85 DEX.
6. We assume the mob always hits 5 times on average per minute at a random time.
7. We assume the weapon always procs once on average per minute at a random time.
8. Each swing has an equal chance to proc the weapon.
9. Each swing has an equal chance to hit.

Ionat Weapon Damage Table:
[44, 54, 64, 74, 84, 94, 104, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 176, 186, 196, 206, 216, 226, 237] = (2801 damage / 20 damage values) = (140.05 damage x 0.5 Hit Rate) = 70.5 DPS average

More details on the Ionat Weapon Damage table using real log data to support the 70.5 DPS average can be found here: Log data can be downloaded in this video's description:

Mob will randomly select 5 values from this damage table at 5 random points within a minute, depending on when they hit: 6 seconds, 12 seconds, 18 seconds, 24 seconds, 30 seconds, 36 seconds, 42 seconds, 48 seconds, 54 seconds, 60 seconds.

Player with Direct Damage Proc Weapon:

[tick 2: 400, tick 4: 400, tick 6: 400, tick 8: 400, tick 10: 400] = (2000 damage / 5 tick points) = (400 damage / 60 seconds) = 6.66 DPS average

Player will select 1 specific value from this table at these possible points within a minute, depending on the tick they proc the weapon: tick 2 = 12 seconds, tick 4 = 24 seconds, tick 6 = 36 seconds, tick 8 = 48 seconds, tick 10 = 60 seconds

I am not trying to suggest weapon procs are tied to ticks. It just so happens 5 swings per minute would trigger on a tick each time, assuming you turned auto attack on at 0 seconds. This is an analogy to better explain the DoT example below.

Player with Scourge DoT Proc Weapon First Proc:

[tick 2: 208, tick 4: 184, tick 6: 136, tick 8: 88, tick 10: 40] = (656 damage / 4 ticks points + 1 initial DD) = (131.2 damage / 60 seconds) x 1.0 PPM = 2.18 DPS on average

Player will select 1 specific value from this table at these possible points within a minute, depending on the tick they proc the weapon: tick 2 = 12 seconds, tick 4 = 24 seconds, tick 6 = 36 seconds, tick 8 = 48 seconds, tick 10 = 60 seconds

These values are the possible damage values based on when the DoT triggers. 208 damage is if the DoT triggers at 12 seconds, 184 damage is if the DoT triggers at 24 seconds, etc.

I am not trying to suggest weapon procs are tied to ticks. But the DoT is dependent on ticks, so we need to look at which tick the DoT was triggered on.

Player with Scourge DoT Proc Weapon Subsequent Procs while DoT is active:

[tick 2: 40, tick 4: 40, tick 6: 40, tick 8: 40, tick 10: 40] = (200 damage / 5 ticks) = (40 damage / 60 seconds) x 1.0 PPM = 0.66 DPS on average

Player will select 1 specific value from this table at these possible points within a minute, depending on the tick they proc the weapon: tick 2 = 12 seconds, tick 4 = 24 seconds, tick 6 = 36 seconds, tick 8 = 48 seconds, tick 10 = 60 seconds

I am not trying to suggest weapon procs are tied to ticks. It just so happens 5 swings per minute would trigger on a tick each time, assuming you turned auto attack on at 0 seconds.

This damage gets added to the First Proc DoT damage above.
Last edited by DeathsSilkyMist; 01-30-2024 at 12:16 PM..
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