Thread: Rogue as a main
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Old 02-22-2024, 11:26 AM
WarpathEQ WarpathEQ is offline

Join Date: Apr 2023
Posts: 166

I exclusively used intimadation and spine break on the high green cons in the sarnak fort outside of Chardok anytime I was soloing from 55-60.

You are correct that even though spine break is technically a snare and not root that it works as a root in the sense that the mobs will not run when intimidated when the spine break is active.

With that said I would average atleast 1 intimidation per fight after spine break wore off before the mob is dead allowing for additional backstab damage to be delivered while eliminating damage from tanking. It was often the difference between whether I could successfully kill the mob before he killed me or not and therefore the difference between whether I could solo or not as a fairly well geared rogue at 55+ (Epic+Fungi+Mrylokars+Edge of the Nightwalker)

The success rate is much lower on blue cons and above but at that level you aren't going to be able to solo any blue cons anyway. In my experience you will get one intimidation per every 2 blue con mob.
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