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Old 02-23-2024, 11:33 AM
Stasis01 Stasis01 is offline

Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 4,386

On red99 arrows have projectile collision and hit mobs, in TOV it's dangerous to bow. Umm lots of places you can't bow. I mean it's situational.

WW fights is all bow. TOV isn't much it's more wands/melee train. Pofear starts as bow but turns into train fest. Trying to think of main PVP zones. Most of the raid "PvP" is groups rushing a mob on a raid mob trying to dunk clerics which isn't bow quest.

Kael is kinda inbetween Bowquest and traditional. Faction chanter/sham fucking with the pull teams is worse windies are good though.