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Old 02-23-2024, 12:26 PM
skulldudes skulldudes is offline

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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 220

i feel like ranger needs more investment but they can be true raid ballers with those stronk melee buffs and the ability to step up and save whole engagements from wipe w/ a bump

paladins will rule ass in group content, and won't have to rely on animal fear / bow kiting at high level, and can root/heal on bad rng solo fights with DW clicks. both classes have a bit of overlap, actually, w/ root parking and harmo/lull but paladins don't have to be outdoors to hit peak shine and obviously tank better.

i've not played either class past like 20s or 30s, so take me with a grain of salt of course.
aka: suzo beax azagal isma marzy vallisk hrok pilgo qimi
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