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Old 03-24-2024, 10:29 PM
Drueric Drueric is offline

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Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 144
Default Does Fishing Suck?

So I have this iksar, and I wanted to train up baking. It appears that the best way is to bake fresh fish recipes. Come to realize no one sells fish in cabilis, so I resorted to learning how to fish. My skill is now at 100, the cap I think is 200, so I should now be a somewhat proficient fisherman. Right? Right?

To date at 100 skill, I have caught a grand total of 6 fresh fish, about 30 fish scales, dozens of rusty daggers and soggy shoes... and a few fetid varieties of fish which are useless.

I thought the purpose of fishing was to catch fish. At what point do I reliably start bringing in the loads of fresh fish? Or does the fishing skill just suck for catching fish and is a waste of time...
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