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Old 09-10-2011, 06:46 PM
trix trix is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 25


Ahhh, FV is Firona Vie, according to the giant floating text that appears as I enter this area. I do not see a city though, so I shall continue along the stream and trust to my excellent luck to find it.

Dangerous. Giant spiders wander around. Many of them. They don't look like anything I can handle. I will have to be very very careful here.

Sooo many spiders. I can scarcly believe I made it this far unmolested! It took much skill and finesse to weave my way in between so many of them as they wander around themselves. I could not stop to take notes or pictures, as I would have no doubt died horribly the moment my attention wavered.

I come to the end of the stream, where it empties into a large pond or lake. There is a really huge statue of a lizard man here, but the spiders are still wandering this way so a crappy picture will have to suffice.

I decided to swim in the pond, as I did not see any enemies under the water, and the shore seems far more dangerous to travel upon. I swam towards a sunken ship, but did not get too close for fear of aquatic predators lurking inside. I beached near the ship, and spied a dwarven pilgrim that appeared friendly towards me. I must be nearing the city!

Ah yes, I am safe! there is a bridge nearby leading across the water. There are friendly guards of all races around keeping out the monsters. Across the bridge I spy a city!! I made it!!!

This city is smaller than I expected, but filled with friendly folk and many fellow explorers! I decide to stop and take a rest. I have no money for food or water, nor equipment to sell, due to deaths I experienced so long ago I cannot even remember them. I should have thought of that, as I am still hungry and thirsty. Upon arrival in a safer place, perhaps I should hunt for awhile and earn myself a bit of coin.


Part 3 will continue when I have some coin and decide to explore further.