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Old 09-20-2011, 03:12 AM
Zigfreed Zigfreed is offline

Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 263

Salty, I'd take you much more seriously if you ever followed through on anything to completion.
Instead I've repeatedly seen you get very fired up about something, run into obstacles, almost always throw a hissy fit, and then quit while saying it was everyone elses fault.
Sometimes you skip the fit and just vanish from the scene for X amount of time only to pop back up with your next patent medicine scheme.
I mean, how many times have you come to the server and played for a while and then quit before claiming admin or whatever has it out for you, or you're gonna get banned or trying to avoid bans for declaring your only real fun in training in KC.
Do I even need to mention your "The Overlord" fiasco on vztz? Some folks kinda depended on you there and you didn't even bother to drop the ball, you and it just vanished.
Speaking of vanishing.. What happened with the latest incarnation of fish bait? I'm interested in slaying dragons sure but didn't join since I knew your interest would vaporize in about 70 hours and lo and behold that's exactly what happened.

I will say though that your Portland/Miami thing was genius and that this EC thing you are working on shows you to be capable of actually doing something. Bet you never finish it tho.

Sorry man, my 2c. Oh and Harrison is totally a troll.
Litha Weapon - 54 chanter
Zigfreed Lincoln, Founding Fathers, 34 pally R99
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