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Old 11-22-2011, 07:36 AM
socialist socialist is offline

Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 167

Originally Posted by Lazortag [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
In my experience lots of people allow LNS if you just act sporting and be civil to them.
That's the biggest one. A lot of people act like idiots after they die, and nobody wants to do you any favors if you talk shit or have a history of attacking again right after looting your corpse.

Also, a lot of players look naked at this stage in the game even when they aren't on a CR. If you're CRing and it takes you right past a guild group, you might wanna let them know or you'll just look like someone snooping around. We've had that happen a lot and plenty of morons try to snipe a kill so they can jerk off to screenshots of their killshot on someone in a known guild (who was tanking 3 mobs at the time), so we kill people who approach while we're PvEing if we don't know them or they haven't let us know what they're doing.

People think they can just do whatever the hell they want and then complain when they get shit on. Just play smart. Surprisingly few players will repeatedly kill a total stranger who hasn't invited it in any way.