Thread: /ooc is not R&F
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Old 04-21-2010, 07:52 AM
Bones Bones is offline
Fire Giant

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Originally Posted by Wenai [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Are you seriously this thick? Are you really that dumb?

Instead of counting on people being man enough to ignore these comments, how about you just stop using them in the first place? Do you have a clear inability to construct a sentence or engage in conversation without referring to people as: gay, fags, retarded, retards, racial or sexual slurs? That is all we are asking. There is no need of it. This is the only requirement I have made of you and you continuously fight it and continuously dig yourself a deeper and deeper hole.

There is no use to this language. It offers nothing to conversation and offers nothing to the topic other than making the forums slightly offensive to some users and some potential users. Is it really that hard to just refrain from using those terms? It is really so tough to just not be a jackass?

Seriously Finawin you have to be the dumbest person I have ever had to try and carry a conversation with. You try and act all high and mighty like you are the most ethical and educated person to grace this earth's surface with your presence. Seriously man it is time to grow up and quit "sticking it to the man." You aren't sticking anything to anybody; you are just making yourself look more stupid than you already did.
Fucking win.