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Old 09-25-2012, 10:21 AM
A1551 A1551 is offline

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Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 204

So my favorite way to level as an enchanter is to find backstabbing rogue mobs and either fearkite or group with a tank/healer and just drop things at an alarming rate. With that in mind the spots I've found leveling up to the low 50's so far:

1. Unrest. The barkeep backstabs and can be used to duo/trio the whole upstairs.

2. Mistmoore. Mistmoore is an enchanters paradise, besides being great exp, lots of low HP mobs, always people around to group with, etc. There are numerous backstabbing mobs. The Dark Elf Initiates in leather armor (male or female) which can be found from the entranceway up to right before the pit backstab and are easy to charm. Once these get too low and you move to castle entrance groups, the gypsy dancer pulled from the ballroom backstabs. Additionally, the gypsy musicians all backstab too, however they have a major disadvantage in that every night they despawn and turn into werewolves (so you lose the pet automatically every PM). The dancer doesn't do this. This means MM can take you from 20-40 in very short order as mobs can be killed at an alarmingly fast rate with your quadding, backstabbing, hasted pet in small groups.

3. Spirocs in TD. The Spiroc provens (which are the highest level basic mobs) backstab for around 312 dmg and quad w/ weapons for 104. You can fearkite these and basically just drop every bird in the zone at a sickening rate. I did it with a cleric mostly, also tried with a necro and druid, it all worked well.