Thread: Roleplay guild
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Old 10-27-2012, 03:45 AM
Aegnarion Aegnarion is offline

Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 93

Originally Posted by Ephirith [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I've run into a fair amount of people who would be into this kind of thing, and I've thought about trying to do it.

One problem is people's styles of roleplaying can differ dramatically. Me, for instance... I write stories occasionally on the forums but I very rarely ever roleplay in-game. It's also questionable to enforce a certain style of speech: why would someone call Kuriak m'lord when for the bulk of his career he was a wretched squire, pawn, knave, and a member of a lower order of iksar. Frankly, speaking in Ye Olde Englishe isn't relevant to my perception of most of EQ lore.

Another problem is, some degree of min/maxing and roleplaying needn't be mutually exclusive. I've been playing MMO's for most of my life, and playing them well and succeeding brings me just as much satisfaction as building an identity around my iksar shadowknight. I might become frustrated if the guild had zero or little standards for performance. Enchanter just doesn't like to mez, but I'm forced to group with him? It pains me to be so cynical, but... meh.

I'd definitely love to see something like this get off the ground, I just think it would be difficult. I know I'd sure as hell be down to join and give it a try though.

Thanks for your feedback.

First of all, the guild would have to have back-story... and being that i'm a Holy Paladin, if I roll the rule-set based on that it would of course have to be a 'Good aligned' guild, although if your race is not considered 'good' be good at heart. However if you break away from MY specific alignment then I think it could be agreed the back-story could be wrote entirely on the fence, not good/ not bad. Again this is something the few that start it off would need to come to an agreement on, if it was to be on the fence, perhaps there could be a reason all these strange beings from different circles of life formed together? Just an idea there.

Secondly, I have never been in a full blown RP guild. I was always on what you consider 'Light RP' I guess. Well anyways the guild I was in it didn't matter on race/back-story, you are part of an alliance, a guild now, you address each other in the formal manner (And with some respect! [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] ). However this could perhaps not be considered a full time full-blown RP guild, the population is far far too small for niche markets here. Obviously though full-blown RP will be encouraged, and as always, even if you do not role-play a lot get some [[ ]] ( ) going on to indicate you are not in-character.

Thirdly, when I say no min-maxing I didn't mean for example say the guild enchanter doesn't like mezzing, pretty straight up the guy would be playing totally the wrong class, this wouldn't be acceptable. However when I say min-maxing, I mean people who are what you might call hardcore? Gotta have every best-in-slot, I rolled ogre war for frontal stun immunity bla bla you get the picture, that's cool and all bro, but I'm here to have fun and enjoy the journey of the game, not be the best I can. I would like to think the people joining the guild take their character seriously in terms of naming/race/class choice. I wouldn't have stupid names allowed to join the guild "Hugefaggot" "Iama Beast" "Oldmcdonald hadafarm" (lol), I would like to see atleast a fantasy oriented name, even if you don't take the time to research some stuff to create one. Things such as NBG that a lot of people seem to have issues with, I just couldn't have a member who would rather make a quick buck than give his pal something that will enhance his experience.

Fourth and finally. We would have standards, oh yes. Although we obviously wouldn't be the biggest raid force, taking down trak every week etc I would hope we had enough of a core to at-least do some planes raiding ( when ? I don't really know even how long it would take to get to that stage ). Nothing to say there aren't anything out there that wouldn't want to make an alliance with you, either. I would hope though, that the members would be more interested in enjoying experiences together making dungeon teams and the like, rather than thinking about raid loot 24/7

Just a lot of my opinions right out there in the open, feel free to pick 'em apart!

Aegnarion Vyr`Yldir of Ayr`Dal
Holy Paladin of Norrath
Knight of Mithaniel Marr

Brother Hayle shouts, 'All hail Aegnarion, wielder of Soulfire!'

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Last edited by Aegnarion; 10-27-2012 at 03:50 AM..