Thread: Going Red (PVP)
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Old 06-29-2010, 10:02 AM
HippoNipple HippoNipple is offline

Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 4,095

Well it seems like everyone is trying to come up with ways to change the current server rules to come up with a way that pvp will work. Even making it so blues became red for 5 minutes would be exploited like mentioned above. It wouldn't work. Trying to come up with ideas or rules to make pvp work is just dreaming, it will never actually be implemented.

There could be some interesting PvP if there was an organized guild that turned red with the current rules. As long as they were organized and self sufficient enough to not need to group outside of their guild, it would work. Like I mentioned earlier this would force loyalty to the guild... and if there ever happened to be another red guild out there it would be a ton of fun.

This allows the blues to be blues, and not interfere with any of the Red pvp. They could coexist. If a blue and a red were at the same camp, they would follow server camping rules. If a red met another red, they could fight over it.

Even if there was only 1 red guild the guild would be able to have some creative fun guild events within the guild.

The only thing that might need to be implemented are some guidelines on pvp etiquette like not returning to a pvp fight for 30 minutes after death, or having to leave the zone after death. This could be enforced as current camping/raiding rules are enforced.