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Old 03-17-2013, 08:30 PM
Kutsumo Kutsumo is offline

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Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 308

Shams are very popular for good reason.

Group play: A good shaman will constantly be making moves just like a good "insert class here". Ok, maybe not wizards. A bad shaman will sit around "medding" and come back to cast buffs every once in a while. Guess it depends on which you want to be. People will still probably group with you even as a bad shaman, especially if you slow here and there.

Solo: Good solo class from low to 60. Can tank with slows, root/rot solo many named camps. One of the top solo classes for sure.
Kutsuu (rog), Neverest (mnk), Guredo (rng)

Life's hard when you're stupid.