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Old 04-25-2013, 06:50 PM
Tanthallas Tanthallas is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 576

About a week or two ago I got a PM in vent from Visc. It went something like this:

Visceral: Slydexx offered to MQ me his Eye to complete my epic - would it be OK if we give him the next Eye we get in return?

Sloan: Yes, of course it would.

About 10 hours ago I read an RnF thread started by Chest. It went something like this:

Chest: Piece of shit Eye of Innoruuk bitch stole fuck shit FE worse than TMO cunt I told you so ass shit I have to be right because my massive ego will force me to kill myself if I am not shit fuck

As far as I am concerned, there are people from both sides here that I believe are voicing their honest opinions. From former interactions and such, I trust Yajirobe more than most and I would also add the rare appearance on RnF of Anichek and Berty in there as well. These people truly feel wronged / stolen from. I am not giving BDA guildbank anything - I am giving an Eye to the person who gave Visc an Eye.

Anichek or Berty - if you are ever an Eye of Innoruuk away from your epic and you truly feel this incident screwed you over, please send me a tell or PM and I will personally buy you an Eye.
Originally Posted by Daliant17447 View Post
more ducktape than exploit