Thread: <The A-Team>
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Old 05-14-2013, 11:24 AM
Splorf22 Splorf22 is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 3,237

Despite the summer malaise, The A-Team is spinning back up on our Monday Night EQ. We started out with 6 (and no enchanter) so we headed to Kithicor to do two Generals. By that point we actually had the people had the people to give Sky a shot, but FE had headed up there, and Lucabrazi's immortal words 'I don't want them' closed the door on that particular raid. FWIW I'm fine with people taking our Sky night as long as they wait till 10:30 EST or so, but I think we'll have the people next week.

So we headed down to Chardok which was relatively deserted. We haven't done the king successfully in a while (a fact which certain parties have been gloating over in RnF) so we made a few mistakes but in the end we won an absolutely epic battle.

Overking Bathezid in 1222s, 124k @102dps --- Azzudnue 63k @52dps (50.83%) --- Sakuragi 47k @38dps (37.44%) --- Lavarian 7k @6dps (5.85%) --- Zasekn 3k @5dps (2.22%) --- Garann 2k @12dps (1.46%) --- Larer 1k @11dps (1.13%) --- Svenn 1k @4dps (1%) --- Metra 0k @1dps (0.06%) --- Noogar 0k @0dps (0%)

That's just over 20 minutes! We actually had him down to 11% at about the 12 minute mark but we screwed up enrage and he CHed twice, and our dps was low against what seems to be fairly high AC/regen. I'm not going to claim it was the cleanest fight, but it was a ton of fun, and we did it with a L53 cleric healing/buffing (no bp either!) with a lot of Torpor thrown in. It was absolutely one of the highlights of my time on this box (sadly the only screenshots I have are of Sakuragi buried in the overking's crotch).

After that we pulled the Queen without issue. We lost a few players to fatigue but the rest of us decided to stay for the next round. We amused ourselves by killing the Prince for Nordenwatch's 12th alt's epic and came back to find that the King wasn't holding anything and the Queen was wearing the Insignia protector! No epic battles this time; we had an extra rogue and a L50 charmed pet (royals farmers can thank us later) and 30 minutes later we were rolling on the loot up at the safe spot.
Raev | Loraen | Sakuragi <The A-Team> | Solo Artist Challenge | Farmer's Market
Originally Posted by Arteker
in words of anal fingers, just a filthy spaniard