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Old 03-12-2018, 12:27 PM
skarlorn skarlorn is offline

Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: The Misty Thicket
Posts: 4,863


big DICKEd brothers

Yesterday's BACK and BICEPS exercise really got me SWOLE.

I prayed to Jesus and Ali Baba and RECOMMITED MYSELF to the GAINS OF MARCH.

that's right, brothers. BULK SEASON IS BACK IN BUSINESS. jesus came to me and touched me on the back and said "skarlorn, your legs and ass are mighty but your upper body is still developing and i really think your aesthetic would improve quite a lot if you just kept pushing the gains during the month of march take it into consideration" then he slipped a thumb in my asshole and VANISH


Thanks jEsus . I will!

Just slammed down a bowl of OAT GRUEL with whey PROTEIN and peaNUT butter and MilCH. cooking some bacon right now to subsidize my gAiNZ. HUGE gains coming in this month