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Old 12-15-2014, 04:27 PM
Macha Macha is offline

Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 181
Default Rogue - Best Duo Partner?

I hear the best experience for Rogues other than Plvl is to duo with a class that can distract a mob 1 way or another while you do rogueDPS.

I am looking to see what classes are the best to duo with to accomplish this.
So far I can think of Druids, Rangers, Necros, Bards.
Basically partner can snare a mob, grab aggro, flamelick or what have you, and run around while I poke it from behind (hey-oo).
Or partner can snare and fear.

It seems my best options would either be Necro or Bard unless someone wants to educate me otherwise. Necros can DoT, do pet dps, snare and fear. Bards can snare/fear while providing buff/haste and self dps.

Any thoughts?