Thread: New ToV rules
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Old 02-05-2019, 02:33 AM
FatBalloon FatBalloon is offline

Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 59

This is an absolute abomination to the true spirit of EQ. I started playing a 20 year old game to experience, once again, a hardcore, dangerous single persistant world with rewarding gear and character progression. I have been weary trying to find this anywhere else and now what happens 2 months after I start playing a serious character on the server to experience the end game raid scene? Apparently, the ridiculous, whiny, instant gratification, lootboxing, pay to win, pay for cosmetics, can't compete, sissies that every other developer caters to have now invaded the only hardcore bastion left in gaming and convinced the moderators of the game to completely abandon the original principles of a single persistant world and turned the best raid zone ever created into essentially an instance where you can simply order your very own Vulak loot. Wipe 6 times in a row because you suck? I'm sorry, you do not deserve to have the warm graceful touch of Do'Vassir's Guantlets of Might upon your fingers. There are so many things wrong with this rotation it's literally insane. It is nothing but a total travesty and completely goes against everything EQ was meant to be.

What's next? You don't have to do CR's anymore?