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Old 01-26-2023, 05:44 AM
Alacres Alacres is offline

Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 17
Default WinEQ2 causing choppiness

I just came back to the game recently and I've been playing without WinEQ2 so far but I've been experiencing random crashes. I decided to try WinEQ2 since it's recommended on the "Getting Started" page but even after increasing the "Foreground" and "Background" FPS in the EQPlayNice settings, and trying both CPU affinity on and off, the game continues to run way more choppy with WinEQ2 versus without it. I wasn't sure what to do with the "Rendering Limiter" options, so could that be causing the issue?

It might be worth nothing that I'm playing the game with a VR headset using Vorpx, so I turned the Foreground/Background FPS to 120 (the default was set to 40, which seems strange given the century we live in, lol). But again, the game runs buttery smooth without WinEQ2, apart from the random crashes and gamma issues.

TLDR: What settings can I tweak to make WinEQ2 run the game better/properly?

Thanks in advance!
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