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Old 10-02-2019, 08:41 PM
Noselacri Noselacri is offline

Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 421

Originally Posted by YendorLootmonkey [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Meh, it's been a while but Rangers actually do okay in classic... you can tank classic non-god/dragon mobs with snap aggro AND DPS? Yes, please.

Worth 40% xp penalty? Depends on how much a glutton for punishment you are. Your non-hybrid friends with outlevel you and leave you behind. The min-maxers will look over you for grouping.

Clearly that changes when Kunark launches, mobs hit a lot harder, and their mitigation/avoidance lags behind.
Yeah, rangers are legitimately good outside of raids. In raids they're a bit meh, but almost all raid loot in classic is restricted to one class so it's not like people won't bring a ranger to raids. There's practically no cross-class competition for gear and no maximum raid size. People won't go out of their way to recruit rangers but there's no reason to exclude them from raids.

Given P99's hopeless raiding scene, the vast majority of players will never raid. When the endgame consists of dungeons, soloing and dicking around, ranger is a great class. Perfectly serviceable tank, good enough DPS to do that role as well, and extremely self-sufficient. When I think of ideal group setup (that aren't just 5 mages and an enchanter or something), it has a ranger in it as the snarer, backup tank and outoors puller.

When you're grinding in LGuk, it really doesn't matter whether mobs die in 20 or 22 seconds. It's much more important that shit gets tanked and that someone's able to stick a snare early enough to avoid accidents. You don't really want a druid snaring on inc, but a ranger can easily do it. If the tank isn't an SK, I'd take a ranger over a rogue any day.

Outside the grinding meta, it's just insanely convenient to have SoW, great tracking, respectable melee, harmony, invis, and both root and snare. It's such a useful utility package. For the longest time, all melees will be wearing the same gear anyway so the only thing the other tanks have really over a ranger is a higher hp pool which is pretty irrelevant when people are mostly healing with greater healing. It's not until planar armor that the plate tanks start to move ahead.
Last edited by Noselacri; 10-02-2019 at 08:44 PM..