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Old 07-11-2020, 09:13 PM
Selene Selene is offline

Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 131

This strategy of COTH yourself to remove aggro no longer works I heard. The devs here do not allow you to erase aggro anymore on yourself. So you can't use it to single pull anymore, which is sad because its the only way to single pull as a mage.

To add insult to injury, the pets on this server don't seem to cast their spells as much as on live. I remember my earth pet on live would keep casting the damn root so often I would even get frustrated that it wasn't actually attacking! (I remember my earth pet literally getting a mob down to 5% health and then dying because it chain casted root instead of finishing him off). So without even pet's root being cast often enough, there is no way to split mobs using the pet's CC. And now root nets arent rechargeable I hear??

All this talk of a mage's inability to solo past 55 efficiently makes me want to re-roll into enchanter....ughhh