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Old 02-04-2024, 12:11 AM
zelld52 zelld52 is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 560
Default Warrior Levelling Path 15-40?

Trying to brainstorm some ideas for warrior twink Levelling Path. I've levelled Shaman Enchanter, Necro and Druid solo - but I haven't levelled a melee since the lower level grouping was more common (and more spread out over different zones). Got good weps, good haste and a fungi. Seeking spots 15+ where I can solo if needed , but will group if there are groups. Want to stick close to Oggok or Neriak until at least 25 to train riposte..

So far Guk, Cazic Thule route seems interesting. Not sure how well I'd do without invis, root, mez or feign death. But they're close to home (Ogg ok) and good exp bonuses. Maybe Najena and Sol A, but I think I'd have a hard time splitting in either. But close to Neriak where I can sell / bank / train riposte...

I'm trying to avoid places like Mistmoore, Unrest. They're far from riposte training at 25, and there isn't anything nearby if theyre full.

After I train riposte, I'm probably going to go to Warsliks / Lake of Ill Omen and then Overthere until I'm amiable at the outpost. After that, ill probably need groups.

Any other suggestions? How are Rathe Mountains? South Kaarana maybe even?
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