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Old 09-25-2020, 04:09 AM
Nahilu Nahilu is offline

Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Norrath
Posts: 455

I started EC with 1pp and I started with minus in my bank account last year , on the ground , after loosing about everything off my life including my wife and dog.

I am a hard worker , no matters how you hate me or my story or whatever.

I have a goal and a vision , and my vision is clear mind has if I was DE with ultravision.

Talent is shit , talent is a false perception of human being often represented by a score such has school or a rate a on piece of paper .

True talent hide behind those that do things for a purpose in their heart. True talent is the flame inside of you that when you are so fucking deep in life and everything is dark has shit , the only thing that is left , is this fucking light inside of you , that no matters what this things inside of you just don't wanna stop to burn and grow. This energy is your true talent , and mine is burning off passion and love.

True talent is the people that no matters what , they will never stop , because they do what they love.

Can we really judge the future of a child based on his rate at school ?

Can we really has a society ?

I was the bully at school , a lot people say I am anti - social ,

It's not false, but when you been bully from your young age to young adult … Do you think I am normal to being a bit Anti social ?

Do you think I really judge society like if they were my friend ?

I have something that you don't have and you might have something that I don't have.

My something is , I will never change direction , I know my path , it's been calculated.