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Old 10-03-2022, 03:21 PM
Indefinite Indefinite is offline

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Posts: 139

I'm using python version 3.7.3 when running locally. Looking at the error it seems like the following might not be working as expected:

import pkg_resources
version = str(pkg_resources.get_distribution("eqalert").vers ion)

I'll get an issue added to the repo to track this down; there's probably a better way to report the package version than the first thing I found through google and the python requires in should be narrowed to a tested range rather than >3.

Just in case it's helpful, here is a gist to each generated config file. Everything should be set to directly copy down sans the settings.json file, you'll want to spot check the paths set in there. If it is an issue with pkg_resources, I'd expect starting things up with the configs will get it far enough to initialize logging and might provide better debug output in ~/.eqa/log/eqalert.log

EQ Alert 3.3.5 Config Files (Settings has placeholder values):

I think that should be each of the config files which keep the version string in them for regeneration following new versions.
Last edited by Indefinite; 10-03-2022 at 03:32 PM..
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