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Old 09-11-2010, 05:12 PM
PhelanKA PhelanKA is offline

Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 232

Big ups to Pimask today in Lguk.

I have been camping the Arch Magi for the past week pretty much straight. Today was much the same.

I was sitting waiting for it or PH to pop with about 3 mins to go on timer when my ISP goes out. I log back in to see AM sitting there alone and a Dar in the hidden hallway for my pet. All is well I think so I go and charm the Dar only to get trained. So i have to reset the Dar and let it regen it's health after that.

WHen I get the Dar back as my pet I went and saw that the trash mob had spawned as well. I'm pissed off at this point and say fuck it. Sent the Dar in and I'm trying to root the Kor and pull the dar away. Shit is going awry. Pet dies, and AM is dotted up with about 30% hp left. It's breaking roots left and right and I'm about out of mana when Pimask shows up.

Pimask quickly conjured up a mage pet and finishes the AM off for me. Due to FD I don't get the kill but he let me loot it anyway. No SMR, but that isn't the point. Pimask is a saint. Thanks again.
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