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Old 12-05-2020, 06:55 PM
imperiouskitten imperiouskitten is offline

Join Date: Aug 2020
Location: CROATOAN
Posts: 2,979

Firstly, it's not zero-sum. House does not always win; this is a fallacious statement.

Secondly, you're not wrong about the rest, but you've also hit the nail on the head. Sitting money in savings is shortsighted when current policy is to sacrifice civilization to ensure the Grand Casino is no-lose. There will be a bonk one day, before things start multiplying again, but if things carry on 3 more years my cash will appreciate probably 300% and I'll get out with most of it. Furthermore, the individual is not the average and my "bets" are backed up with realistic political science while the average is governed by TV info and consensus delusionality. Me & Juris are meta-players. "Everyone thinks this", and shit does happen, but not everyone is as intelligent, insightful, or accurately predictive as we are. "Everyone" doesn't have reality remind them again and again that they are very exceptionally intelligent. We've got good odds and the fact that there are odds involved does not invalidate the venture. The world and all ventures comprise one big statistical matrix.

Stop loss orders are in that ensure I will never have lost money in this venture. I would think a person of mathematical worldview would understand that we've crossed a point of singularity into which it's quite foolish to not be involved in multiplying your cash in the rigged market. Sounds like you have an ideological position on it, not scientific. Anyway, my lot in life until certain (very healthy -_-) ppl die is not to eat a trust but to generate one, and I'll be damned if I go back to wage employment. 5% returns on my capital just ain't gonna do it.
Last edited by imperiouskitten; 12-05-2020 at 07:14 PM..