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Old 01-18-2021, 12:58 PM
Gwaihir Gwaihir is offline

Join Date: Mar 2020
Location: SJ
Posts: 2,181

Ok, here we are. 4.5 months later. Doing a recap on Nikola:

with 4050 invested as of the date this thread debate started on selling Puts vs buying Nikola Stock outright, the stock price of 32.50$ indicated I couldve bought 124 shares for 4050, but rather I sold 3x 17.50 puts for a January 15th expiration.

Approximately 6 weeks ago, when the Nikola stock rebounded from a 17$ low back up to 30$ I bought 3 offsetting 17.50 puts to close the position, and then re-entered the position with 3x 17.50 after the stock cratered back down to below 20$

4.5 months later. Options expired worthless last friday at 19.80 closing price.

Total cash-out: 5850$ (gain of 1800$; gain of 45%)

vs what I would have if left if I wouldve bought 124 shares:

$2467 (Loss of 1582; Loss of 39%)

What I would have left if I wouldve Bought at 32.50, closed position at 30$, and rebought at the 17$ cratered price:
$4332.70 (gain of 6.9%)
In your fucking face retard. I win.
Last edited by Gwaihir; 01-18-2021 at 01:00 PM..