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Old 10-24-2016, 10:22 PM
seanidor seanidor is offline

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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Arizona
Posts: 51

I'd love a new server too since I doubt anyone would ever agree to having the current server wiped. People have put in far too much time and effort into their characters, getting so many of them to max level, gearing them up with incredibly expensive things, and so on.

The problem is exactly that though, the server is top heavy. Even though there are so many/few people playing, most of them are already pretty much done with their journeys and have for the most part reached their destination. They don't have much else left to do except raid or create alt's that are probably going to be twinked in some way.

It's quite refreshing to start anew, especially when everyone else is doing the same along with you.