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Old 08-05-2022, 11:41 AM
Wrei Wrei is offline

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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 204

It's hilarious to see him crying about no competition when he doesn't address the most obvious reason as to why it's the case. Competition in his mind is all about who gets the FTE and a guild able to tank and spank the boss. P99 competition however is having 4+ targets in a + or - 24h window on a typical raid week, having 20 alts parked on target 1, teams of trackers taking shifts to hit that batphone like working at a McDonald's, sweaty neckbeards at the race line waiting to be the big hero. All the resources online on top of cheating 3rd party software like GINA isn't the reason why casuals can't compete. It's because of the big time variance.

If GM's abolished super draft, but instead reduced the 7 day cycle to a 6 hour window and the 3 days to a 2 hour window, a lot of the mid tier guilds going nowhere atm would bother to show up and try to do these bosses. Sure they would most likely fail early on in getting the FTE or even executing the fight but given enough time there actually would be real competition on the mobs and not about who can take a shit the longest while waiting 15+hours for a pop. I mean some of these clowns are sweaty enough to even sock a quake... then they wonder why the majority can't or won't join their sockfest.
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