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Old 04-09-2018, 03:31 AM
Vanech Vanech is offline

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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: 1904
Posts: 123

The toon I'm playing now was made in 2014 and I've only just recently returned to the wonderfully painful experience of p99. A couple of weeks ago before my monk had even hit level six I was gifted a blackjack from a fellow monk who was lower leveled than I, and the next day while sitting out front of the bank in Cab East another random low level monk exclaimed "I don't know why I made a monk, I should have made a rogue!" and gifted me an almost full set of cured silk, an essence of Dol and some other random things. It's made my lowly existence easier, and has reminded me that there's a community here that is only rivaled by classic back in the day. I don't remember your names, but thank you friends!
goblin janitor scowls at you, ready to attack. Looks like they would wipe the floor with you!