Thread: Kunark Paladin
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Old 11-03-2019, 02:50 AM
Invalid_Bard Invalid_Bard is offline

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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Portland, Oregon
Posts: 125

Paladins are super fucking underrated. Especially if you know to shine. Everyone talks about a SK and their dps and how they are better. Pffft, you don't roll a knight to be dps, the notion of that is fucking laughable. Paladins abilities are vastly superior in Kunark. Snap aggro? Check. Healing ability, albeit low, but can do. Group buffs, aye, if y'all need them. Lulling, rooting, overall CC? Check and mother fucking check. All casters / dps will love you because they don't need to worry about holding back. Are you going to tank big dick mobs? No, not at all. But, you rolled a knight, you should already know this. Paladins are the underdog kings and I for one love them. Anyone who thinks they suck or are useless has zero fucking idea.