Thread: <Anonymous>
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Old 08-30-2015, 03:12 AM
Gandite Gandite is offline

Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 97

I am not a member of <Anonymous> but if I wasn't already in <Clue> I would be. Was in Kedge Keep late last night when a handful of these dudes were getting xp. They took phinny down and he dropped a BCS which as a wizard obviously I've been after for a very long time.

No bullshit, no taunting me, they just said grats and let me loot it. They were classy, they were courteous, and most of all they were kind. It is people like those dudes down in Kedge that continue to give me hope for this server's population. Any <Anon> can get a port from me or my assistance if needed just send a tell.

Thank you guys.