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Old 04-01-2011, 11:36 PM
Solter Solter is offline

Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 41

Alrighty then.....I installed Titanium. I installed Duxa's installer and ran it. First time I chose the easy option at top (recommended) and it went well. I set up a new shortcut and added the "patchme" to the end. I double clicked the shortcut and logged on. The screen where you choose your character said my spells files were outdated and to visit What I did was run Duxa again and choose the last option "update spells." Logged on again and still have the outdated spells message.
In the P1999 getting started thread there are several things I need to do and there is no mention of Duxa. In this Duxa thread it is implied that all I have to do is run Duxa and I'm good to go. After having run Duxa should I do all the creating new folders and move the files like it says in p1999 getting started thread or was Duxa supposed to do this? I'm farther along than I thought I'd be and I don't want to screw it up. I'm gonna go to bed and tweak it some more tomorrow....
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